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The authenticating hyperreality of nostalgic past
...is therefore a place fully constructed in Tata's mind and far more real than the actual place. - from 'My parents: an introduction' by Aleksandar Hemon

A perfect homeland is never available, otherwise the ideal might run into an indelible and ugly reality.

all identities are interconnected and interdependent
Exhibition Banja Luka - august 2023
Human perception is always primarily attuned to what is already known and familiar, a kind of perceptual confirmation bias.
they were perpetually invested in constructing their lives, in continuously defining and refining the space in which their lives unfolded.

the sovereignty of the domain is precarious

page 127 - storytelling is not only not reporting, but the opposite of it: it is reimagining what happened in a different domain of experimental reality, including the past
nostalgia pins the original place to an inaccessible distant position in an unalterable past, where it can exist beyond time and place, and therefore must be forever narrated.
from a. hemon book 'this does not belong to you'
page 110 - to know home, you have to leave it; yo love it, it has to be beyond your reach.

- miss diaspora shirts
- 'Make Bosnia Sexy Again' caps
why 'sexy again'...was bosnia sexy in the past? if yes , why and how?
during yugoslavia bosnia was a very sexy country. sexy about it was that 3 (and more) religions lived together in unity and peace creating a unique surrounding in europe. during and after the yugoslav wars, the country got all separated in many 'kantoni' like little states within a state. No religions are mixed anymore really. The political system is corrupted and a lot of toxic nationalism is present.
a lot of young people leave the country in search for a better future in western europe or even further. many young people don't care about differences and just want to live peacefully and lead a normal life. But, can bosnia not become sexy again!?
and if it is possible, because we believe it is; how can we make bosnia sexy again?
United Nations - UN
ex yugoslav union of diasporic youth - ExYUDY
non-eu eu club

lik Milice Jakovljevic kao velika inspiracija politcke zainteresovanosti
source tumbrl:
MILICU JAKOVLJEVIĆ (Sofija Jović), zastupnicu ali i protivnicu svih srpskih ideologija i politika, poslednji put smo videli kada je imala trinaest godina. Majka Katarina ju je drugog dana bombardovanja, poslala u Kanadu. Uprkos Katarininim očajničkim, ucenjivačkim, patetičnim, i komičnim vapajima, Milica ostaje u Kanadi, i postaje odlučni i beskompromisni borac protiv korporacijske tiranije, potrošačkog društva i globalizma, aktivista koji drži predavanja, ali i profesor koji učestvuje u protestima. Doktorirala je tezom «Porodični poremećaji i disfunkcionalna uloga žene u društvu kojim caruju ubice». Za razliku od profesionalnog, njen ljubavni život je prava katastrofa. Iz prolazne veze ima osmogodišnju kćerku, Keti.
interview Cunami in Sarajevo
A sta je vama vazno u zivotu?
What is important for you in your life?
Was fur Sie wichtig im Leben?
Da li je Bosna ikada bila seksi?
Was Bosnia ever sexy?
War Bosnien jemals sexy?

- Bosnia looks very nice: I liked the pyramids a lot and also the goose close up and also the music also the interviews. Also also the cut from petting the goat to the deep fried goat was funny, poignant even but also sad.

- I like the technique of using this kind of camera. It fits with the topic maybe of nostalgia it makes it real at the same time the movie looks old, but in fact the problems are happening nowadays. I like this contrast.

- i really liked it. I love how you included national songs, language, food. Cool selection of interviews. the video itself is not too long and not too short; just perfect. it's engaging. it hits home. Made me want to go to Bosnia.

- Maya! Just gotta say it, I adore your work so hard. I love a funny yet critical moment. Excited to follow your work.

- Preljepa reprezebtacija Bosne i Hercegovine na pravi i jedini nacin. Mislim da su ljudi zaboravili se fokusirat na diversity i unity koji je prije postojao i bas me dirnulo vidjeti kako si na indirektan nacin stavila fokus bas na to. Samo ljubav.