da vinchis multi-human
constant relocation
community living
from book 'The revolution of everyday life' by Raoul Vaneigem

page 187. As the sole depository of the will to live - for it alone has experienced in its full force the intolerable pressure of mere survival - the proletariat is destined to demolish the walls of constraint in the whirlwind of its pleasure and the spontaneous violence of its creative energy.
All the joy and laughter thatthis will release the proletariat already possesses, for its strength and passion are drawn from within.

page 187. 'the awareness of being nothing'




It's a fine day , Opus III

Fine night tonight
Fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's a fine day
People open windows
They leave their houses
Just for a short while
It's a fine day
People open windows
They leave their houses
Just for a short while
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's a fine day
People open windows
They leave their houses
Just for a short while
They walk by the grass
They look at the sky
They walk by the grass
And they look at the grass
They look at the sky
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
Look at the sky
Look at the sky
Look at the sky
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine day tomorrow
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
It's going to be a fine night tonight
As Alicia Keys says 'everything means nothing if i ain't got you'.
Herman Hesse 'Steppenwolf''

Aber mich interessieren nur die Schritte, die ich in meinem Leben tat, um zu mir selbst zu gelangen.
Alle die hupschen Ruhepunkte, Glucksinseln und Paradiese, deren Zauber mir nicht unbekannt blieb, lasse ich in Glanz der Ferne liegen und begehre nicht sie nochmals zu betreten.

Wenn ein Tier oder Mensch seine ganze Aufmerksamheit und seinen ganzen Willen auf eine bestimmte Sache richtet, dann erreicht er sie auch.

Wenn du von jemanden etwas erreichen willst, siehe ihn unerwartet ganz fest in die Augen.

Golgotha - der biblische Bericht von Leiden und Sterben des Heilendes

leidvoll schone, bleiche, gespenstige und doch ungeheuer lebendige Welt

Der Gott ist das Gute, das Edle, das Vaterliche, das Schone, das Sentimentale, aber die Welt besteht aus anderem. Und das wird nun alle einfach dem Teufel zugeschieben.
Wir sollen Alles verehren und heilig halten, die ganze Welt, nicht bloss diese kunstliche abgetrennte, offizielle Halfte. Man musste in sich einen Gott schaffen der auch den Teufel in sich einschliesst und vor dem man nicht die Augen zudrucken muss.

Nicht mehr Kind sein durfen.

Nur das Denken, das wir leben, hat einen Wert.

*unasudenkliche Alter
*tierhafte Zeitlosigkeit

"Verboten" ist also nichts Ewiges, es kann wechseln.
...jeder von uns muss fur sich selber finden, was erlaubt und was verboten - ihm verboten ist. Es ist bloss eine Frage der Bequemlichkeit.

Wer zu bequem ist, um selber zu denken und selber sein Richter zu sein, der fugt sich eben in die Verbote, wie sie nun einmal sind. Er hat es leicht. Andere spuren selber Gebite in sich, ihnen sind Dinge verbotn, die jeder Ehrenmann taglich tut, und es sind inhnen andere DInge erlaubt, die sonst Vergont sind. Jeder muss fur sich selber stehen.

Einer, der zeitweilig eine Rolle spielt, sich anbequemte, aus Gefalligkeit mittat.

Der Abschied von der heimat gelang sonderbar leicht, ich schamte mich eigentlich, dass ich nicht wehmutiger war.

es war das, was mein Leben ausmachte, es war mein Inneres, mein Schicksal oder mein Damon.

Es gibt Zufalle nicht. Wenn der, der etwas notwendig braucht, dies ihm Notwendig findet, so ist es nicht der Zufall der es ihm gibt, zondern er selbst...sein eigenes Verlangen und Mussen fuhrt ihn hin.

Rausch der Hingaber und tiefe Neugierde auf das Winderbare.

Die DInge die wir sehen, sind dieselben DInge, die in uns sind. Es gibt keine Wirklichkeit als die, die wir in uns haben.

Der Weg der meisten ist leicht, unserer ist schwer - wir wollen gehen

- on Anarchism and commodity
- on community & care
- on exploration
Ich lebe in meinen Traumen. Die anderen Leute leben auch in Traumen aber nicht in ihren eigenen.

suchte und suchte in dunklem Trieb, ohne zu wissen was.

...das zunehmende Wissen von der Macht, das ich in mir trug

man durfte nur sich wollen, nur sein Schicksal.

'Heim kommt man nie', sagte sie freundlich. 'Aber wo befreundete Wege zusammenlaufen, da sieht die ganze Welt fur eine Stunde wie Heimat aus.''

Liebe muss nicht bitten, auch nicht fordern. Liebe muss die Kraft haben in sich selbst zur Gewissheit zu kommen. Dann wird sie nicht mehr gezogen sondern zieht.

Der Vogel kampft sich aus dem Ei. Das Ei ist die Welt. Wer geboren werden will, muss eine Welt zerstoren. Der Vogel fliegt zu Gott. Der Gott heisst Abraxas.

- on dreams
- on hope & the future
Japanese knotweed

the species has successfully established itself in numerous habitats, and is classified as a pest and invasive species in several countries.
The invasive root system and strong growth can damage concrete foundations, buildings, flood defences, roads, paving, retaining walls and architectural sites. It can also reduce the capacity of channels in flood defences to carry water.
In the UK, Japanese knotweed is a single female clone. However, it is able to readily hybridise with related species.
- on nature
Affect theory is a theory that seeks to organize affects, sometimes used interchangeably with emotions or subjectively experienced feelings, into discrete categories and to typify their physiological, social, interpersonal, and internalized manifestations. The conversation about affect theory has been taken up in psychology, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, medicine, interpersonal communication, literary theory, critical theory, media studies, and gender studies, among other fields. Hence, affect theory is defined in different ways, depending on the discipline.
Affect theory is originally attributed to the psychologist Silvan Tomkins, introduced in the first two volumes of his book Affect Imagery Consciousness (1962). Tomkins uses the concept of affect to refer to the "biological portion of emotion," defined as the "hard-wired, preprogrammed, genetically transmitted mechanisms that exist in each of us," which, when triggered, precipitate a "known pattern of biological events".[1] However, it is also acknowledged that, in adults, the affective experience is a result of interactions between the innate mechanism and a "complex matrix of nested and interacting ideo-affective formations."[2]
Vitruvian Man
- on labour

- resilience of the migrating body and the performance of daily proletarian survival
Notes from 'My parents: An Introduction' by Aleksandar Hemon

page 6 - despite manifest poverty, there was nothing lacking
page 8 - unbridled optimism, joy, love and fashion
page 11 - this is how history works:arbitrary and irreversibly
book recommendation 'Un dia de vida' Fernandez 1950
page 17 - After WW2 a large number of Ukrainian Red Army soldiers who were POWs in Germany or elsewhere chose not to return to the Sovet Union. These men looked for Ukrainian brides outside the homeland.
page 22 - but outside our life, things were not stable, which I enjoyed
on temporality: ...in building something to leave for his children, he was building a monument to himself. We did build the vabin; it was rented for a few years. I never played cards in it, and I never will; the cabin burned down in 1992, right at the beginning of the war.'
page 28 - the leap into a better life
page 31 - social justice, gnerosity and a fair distribution of wealth
page 39 - No less of a fantasy, it is nonetheless privately constructed around the personal memories of sensory experiences: smells, tastes, visions, sounds, life in all its quotidian sensual detail. The personal homeland is the place where everything was more intensely experienced once upon a time and now seems unquestionably authentic, which is why its primary location is usually childhood or youth.
The authenticating hyperreality of nostalgic past
...is therefore a place fully constructed in Tata's mind and far more real than the actual place.
page 44 - if nothing bad happened, what was it that happened? What is the story of nothing happening?

page 51 - normal life is therefore simultaneously a nostalgic and a utopian project, both irretrievable and unachievable.

page 52 - obsessing over the future weather is a kind of homeopathy for their traumatized souls.
page 79 - immigrants as human shaped racoons set on stealing everything from the natives. in the condescending native imagination, immigrantss are swallowed and digested by the host culture and its practices, which are presumably so recondite as to make the new immigrants akin to children; in the racist imagination, they cannot even begin to understand how 'we' live. RESOURCEFUL TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF IMMIGRANTS
page 85 - food is other people. we hate eating alone, just as we hate being alone

page 94 - far too important to ever be stress-free

page 132 - a kind f person who lives to solve problems, an essential and necessary skill for someone who constantly creates them for himself and others.

Katastropphe (from Greek) means Overturning
normalcy bias - a belief people enter when facing a disaster
from Aleksandar Hemon 'My parents:an introduction'
page 71 - 'they' were fat and incapable of truly enjoying life because 'they' worried about getting fat all the time.

page 87 - allyoucaneat wonder buffet, wherein the utopian concept of cheap and endless abundance, dreamt of by generations of slavic peasantry, is finally fulfilled.

page 88 - we'll be hungry in an hour', mama would pronounce, inescapably projecting into the unstable future. in a stable, leisure-oriented world, being hungry in an hour would mean that you would simply eat in an hour.

page 91 - if you have BREAD, you have food, and if you have food, you live. BREAD in other words, equals life.
from Aleksandar Hemon 'My parents:an introduction'
page 109 - 'leaving for the world'(odlazak u svet) or if you wish, about displacement
a.hemon 'parents'
page 113 - their nostalgia and hurt pressed for expression, while their need for some shared joy became acute.

page 112 - be (re)imagined as a refracted utopian past
page154 - survivalist dimension
page165 - life is the absence of death; death is the absence of life

cyclical retelling (from a.hamon 'parents' book page 124)

a.hemon 'parents'
page 155 - their life is highly structured, mainly around daily chores, which are part of everlasting projects.
their lives are project based
- on freedom & struggle
'Freedom is a constant struggle' by Angela Y. Davis

To be free, to have no fear.

Willing to embrace that long walk to freedom.

trying and trying again. never stopping. that is a victory in itself. - frank barat
...a place that is now flanked by military personnel as well as private security companies. i often wonder what their job is: to protect the place itself, the concept, the ideology embodied in it?
left wing anti-austerity Greek party called Syriza
the un-peopleing of people
mass incarceration
Ilan Pappe
transnational solidarity
Angela is living proof that it is possible to survive, withstand, and overcome the full force of corporate power and the state fixed on the destruction of one important individual because she inspires collective solidarity.


ten point program of the Black Panther Party
race, gender, and class are inseparable in the social worlds we inhabit.
G4s is the biggest private security group in the world; they profit from racism, anti-immigrant practices and technologies of punishment
what does the booming of the prison-industrial complex say about our society?
- ...profits from the health care industry and from education and other commodified human services that actually should be freely available to everyone.
- institutional violence
- the oppressed have to ensure the safety of the oppressors
- Marwan Barghouti
- incarceration
- incident Ferguson
- ...that is so deeply entrenched in the structures of our society
- Marikana miners
- triple jeopardy was racism, sexism, and imperialism
- the Quakers
- Attica Rebellion
- economic, political and ideological roles of the prison; putting them in prison is a way not to have to deal with immigration in Europe. immigration, of course, happens as a result of all the economic changes that have happened globally - global capitalism, the restructuring of economies in countries of the GLOBAL SOUTH that makes it impossible for people to live there.
- sisters inside (women's prison organization in australia)
- a particular conjunctural set of conditions will arise; it reveals the opportunity to accomplish something.
- every change that has happened has come as a result of mass movements; people are ready for a movement
- we must be free, we must be free. but are we really free?
- orlando patterson has argued that the very concept of freedom - which is held so dear throughout the west, which has inspired so many world historical revolutions - the very concept of freedom must have been first imagined by slaves.
- this amazing collective imagination of a future world without racial and gender and economic oppression?
Harriet Tubman
- radical reconstruction
- noncommodified education
- assata shakur
-assimilate into DOMINANT CULTURE

'Freedom is a constant struggle' by Angela Y. Davis

page 10 - joys of serving the people
literature to read

'This Bridge Called My Back' edited by Gloria Anzaldua and Cherrie Moraga, Bell Hooks, Michelle Wallace; the anthology 'All the Women Are White, All the Blacks are Men, but some of us are brave; black women's studies'
W.E.B Du Bois, claudia jones 'left of karl marx';
herman wallace 'the house that herman built'
deprivation of ancestry affects the present and the future
Notes on: 'Exile and Social Transformation' by Paul Allatson and Jo McCormack

Edward Said? (who is that) research further
Exiles, emigres, refugees and expatriates uprooted from their lands must make do in new surroundings, and the creativity as well as sadness that can be seen in what they do is one of the experiences that has still to find its chroniclers.

exile and its potential
production of exile

Amy Kaminsky suggests, however exile may be lived or dreamed, it is innately unstable, a process rather than a singular state (1999)

debate regarding to whom the term exile applies and when
exile's conceptual competition with other terms, such as diaspora

Since, Nietzsche at least, western literary and philosophical responses to modernity have often used the exile trope to characterise a prevailing sense of unease, estrangement and SPIRITUAL ORPHANHOOD

Said called: ' the age of the refugee, the displaced person, mass immigration'
to designate this exilic age: diaspora, transnationalism, statelessness, homelessness, transmigrancy, errance, nomadism, deterritorialization, borderlessness, comsopolitanism, transmodernity, translated culture, to name a few

exile is defined as a geographical dislocation and a physical separation from home enacted by a state or a regime's legal system

Thomas Pavel - exile must be distinguished from 'voluntary expatriation'

outcaste communities
...supposedly benign institutions such as the familial home, and social conditions such as enforced or prolonged unemployment, may also function as sites of crushing exile.

Susana Chavez-Silverman, Enrique Dussel (counquiering and banishing double act in the development of 'the modern world system')
a long history of Jewish communal displacements out of which has arisen a risilient foundational narrative of religious and cultural identiry.

pan africanism?
Girloy, Deuteronomy, George Lamming
corporeal commodification

Shakespear 'The Tempest'

The greek word 'diaspora' - exile connoted suffering, a negative term evoking displacement, refugee status and above all the myth of an eventual, and possibly soon, return. In contract, diaspora came to mean a chosen geography and identity'. CULTURAL STAMINA, LOYALTY TO THE HISTORICAL MEMOR OF THE COMMUNAL LIFE, REJECTION OF ASSIMILATION, AND STRUGGLE FOR AUTHENTICITY AND SACRIFICE
homeless identities
identity politics

paradigmatic exile (?)
new transnational social and discursive transformations, Rey Chow suggests that the goal of 'writing diaspora' is to unlearn that submission to one's ethnicity. she thus calls for a diasporic intellectual resistance to and nonconmormity with fantasy

western discourses
Dussel's liberatory ethics - The poor, the oppressed class, the peripheral nation, the female sex object'
exilic liberation thus requires a politicized awareness of multiple oppressions without which there is no basis for active resistance.
Hardt and negri see in the 'specter' of migration the ideal subjects for am exodus that will lead to 'the evacuation of the places of power'
Desertion and exodus are a powerful form of class struggle within and against imperial postmodernity', such mobilities seem only to lead to 'a newrootless condition of poverty and misery'
the authors advocate two types pf exodus: an anthropological exodus composed of resisters whose bodies are incapable of submitting to command...of adapting to family life, to factory discipline, to the regulations of a traditional sex life, and so forth and a machine exodus, by which the subject is transformed into the machine. ideally this exodus will engender a contest between claimants to the real and the virtual, the aim being the seizure of the processes of machinic metamorphosis.

Kaplan: exilix displacement that emphasize the freedom of disconnection and the pleasures of interstitial subjectivity. the movement of deterritorialization colonizes, appropriates even raids other spaces, hard and negri regards space as an ever-expanding zone of promise, of resistantpotential and neo-identificatory possibility

all manner of displacement, freely chosen and impelled, are challenging

post national 'non-normative'

diaspora is a culture without a country (Barkan and Shelton) diaspora is about choice

minoritarian modernity practiced and lived by the victims of modernity, failed by capitalism's upward mobility, and bereft of those comforts and customs of national belonging (Breckenridge)
cosmopolitanism is not to be equated with a 'cultural pluralism' located within a national frame.
cosmopolitan community = privileged exile
Lucas Guevara, Alirio Diaz Guerra
modernist and post-modernist tropes of travel and displacement

the European desire to encounter, experience and represent exotic otherness
- paradoxical exile from the self
Olga Lorenzo, Guilan Siassi, Ogu Oguibe

From Allatson & McCormack 'Exile and Social Transformation'
...euro-american modernisms celebrate singularity, solitude, estrangement, alienation, and aestheticized excisions of location in favor of locale - that is, the 'artist in exile' is never 'at home', always existentially alone, and shocked by the strain of displacement into significant experimentations and insights. Even more importantly, the modernist exile is melancholic and nostalgic about an irreparable loss and separation from the familiar or beloved.
- refugees, asylum seekers, and so-called boat people are, Said notes, a creation of the twentieth century state'. driven by state and global-capitalist imperatives to seek any better elsewhere.
- on naturalisation, looks & culture
from 'Kajet' issue 05
page 22 uros pajovic
- ... (yugoslavia had) an awkward presence in ...
a balancing act of ideologies and identities
the european dream

diaspora dream ne sme umreti
- on being lost in the middle
From 'The Time of the Uprooted: The Real Nowhere Man'

- dislocation from both: point of origin and point of destination
- and emigrant, for example, is simply defined as one who leaves from somewhere, while an immigrant is the one who arrives somewhere else.
- is it possible to leave and never arrive, to be stuck in between - lost in the middle
- a dissociative state: when a self is lost in transit is a psychological study by Andrew Harlem which he briefly juxtaposes 'the emigrant' and 'the immigrant'
- what is exile after all? Is it a political status? A social phenomenon? A literary subject?
- a union can never be realized because 'union' precludes separation. All that remains is a re-union.
- 'emigrants' in search of paradise lost...they gather together to celebrate the solidarity of the uprooted and the divine power of laughter.
- unreliable and unstable worlds - enough to break your heart
- ''I'm unhappy" he admits, 'so hwat?' Aren't other unhappy too? Happiness is a rare gift in this cursed and dreadful century."
- a briefcase: symbol of the exile, in constant meandering with his only possession tightly gripped - hope
book 'Narciss und Goldmund' Hesse

page fourtyfive: dir sind die uunterschiede nicht sehr wichtig mir aber scheinen sie das einzige wichtige zu sein. ich bin meinem wesen nach gelehrter......nun ja. einer hat bauernschule an und ist ein bauer, ein anderer hat eine krone auf und ist ein konig. das sind allerdings unterschiede. sie werden aber auch von den kindern gesehen, ohne alle wissenschaft.

page fourthyseven: ...es ist unsere aufgabe, einander naherzukommen, sowenig wie sonne und mond zueinander kommen oder meer und land. wir zwei, lieber freund, sind sonne und mond, sind meerund land. unser ziel ist ncht ineinander uberzugehen sondern einander zu erkenenn und einer im anderen das sehen und ehren zu lernen, was er ist: des anderen gegenstuck und Erganzung.
- on differences/polarization
Book 'Narciss und Goldmund' Hesse

page threehundredone
er war kein adler und kein hase mehr, er war ein haustier geworden.
book Narciss und Goldmund' Hesse

page twohundrerninthynine: Es gibt keinen Frieden, so wie du es meinst.Es gibt den Frieden gewiss, aber nicht einen, der dauernd in uns wohnt und uns nicht mehr verlasst. Es gibt nur einen Frieden, der immer und immer wieder mit unablassigem kampfen eratritten wird und von Tag zu Tag neu erstritten werden muss.
- on finding peace
"Uhvati zeca" Lana Bastasic
page 19: necujni nostalgicari i zilavi mjehur u kojem zive svoje bolje, srecnije verzije u nekoj zemlji gdje vazda rastu jagode, a zecevi ne umiru.
"Uhvati zeca" Lana Bastasic
page 28: Bosna, Lejla. Nije to dvonedeljni odmor nakon kojeg dodjes kuci i legnes u krevet s Majklom. To je kao da se vratis heroinu.

page 31: "Moram kuci", rekla sam mu, napokon. Home. Zivjeli smo zajedno vec sest godina, nije trebalo to da kazem. Home je bio nas stan, nase knjige, nas krevet sa anatomskim jastucima, nas pokvareni tus, patkica na plocici u kupatilu, oziljci na parketu, Cak i onaj goli covjek u nasem prozoru. Home nije Bosna. Bosna je nesto drugo. Zardjalo sidro u nekom popisanom moru. Bodes se tetanusom uredno, iako su prosle tolike godine.
"Uvhati zeca" Lana Bastasic
page 43: Kakva, bolan, Amerika...Oni su ludi od nas ovdje.
Lejlu nikada nije plasila ideja umiranja. Plasio ju je mnogo vise nedostatak tla pod nogama.
Na aerodromu pise 'Dobro dosli u Europu', u slucaju da je neko zaboravio.

page 195: Podsecala me je na to da je nered prirodno stanje ovog svijeta, te da je nas zivot organizovan oko napora da unesemo red u sav taj haos , zapravo nista drugo do odraz nesagledive arogancije.

"Lisica" Dubravka Ugresic
page 118: kaos je mogao biti i sinonim za supraorganiziranost.
"Lisica" Dubravka Ugresic
page 54: majstori migracija, akrobati egzila, ljudi od gume

page 82: bila je superparazit

page 91: Stalno isteruje pravdu. A pravde nema, to ste valjda vec naucili.

page 167; birokratski barok
"Lisica" Dubravka Ugresic
page 123: da je zelja za domom jaka, da ima snagu primarnih instinkata; da je psihoza privremenosti, koju sam bila razvila pretvorivsi je s vremenom u glupi moralni princip, opasnija nego sto sam mislila. Sve se vrti u krugu, cini se da je najvece dostignuce svakog emigranta - dom; ispada da se emigranti, mnogi pritom riskirajuci vlastite zivote, izlijevaju iz svojih zemalja samo zato da bi ih prije ili kasnije kupili dom i izvjesili zastavicu drzave u kojoj su se zaustavili; stovise, da mnogi potrose cio svoj zivot na dva doma, jedan u zemlji koju su ostavili, drugi u zemlji u kojoj su se zustavili, da ih ponovo ne pogodi traumaticni gubitak jednog ili oba.
'lisuca'dubravka ugresic
page 203; stranci su bili opipljiva viza za bolji zivot.
bilo je to vrijeme zivahne ekonomije, razmjenjivalo se svasta, iluzije, snovi o slobodi, ideje o boljim i losijim svjetovima, samopouzdanje.

page 223: mnogi su u cekanju na novi zivot proveli najbolje godine svoga zivota.