find the light
Sojic (srb)
Borat (us)

COSMIC GIGGLE - SUFFERING (ram das) .... phenomena - arrising, existing and passing away...layers of reality like baklava
suffering - clinging - if ur suffering ur mind is clinging, but to what?
bounderies between sanity and madness
turning pessimistic to stay optimistic
structures and micro structures
Mladen Dolar. Philosophy and Theater

* Bozidar Debenjak
the promise of the Western life
[something like the American dream]
Aida Spahovic
- Sto te nema project
Lukas Moodysson 2002 film, Lilya 4-Ever
From 'Tales of Ordinary Madness' by Charles Bukowski

'Because it feels good in there, all that milk and chewy stuff, it feels good inside of that shell. it says to itself, 'oh my, I feel so good in here!'
'why does it feel good in there?''
'because anything would. I would.'
'Bacon and eggs aren't everything.'
'what is everything?'
'is the sun inside of me?'
'more than anybody I have ever known.'
it's because they are unhappy and unhappy people like to hurt things.

'aren't there any happy people?'
'there are many who pretend that they are happy.'
'because they are ashamed and frightened and don't have the guts to admit it.'

'what's jail?'
'everything's jail.'
there aren't any honest jobs. you die one way or the other.
keep the country strong so you can rob it.
Here's life the way it should be and I feel as if I were in jail.
Harvey, the rich one, finally, was the kindest of all. Maybe because he could afford to be kind?

the family - relationship illness, which included marriage, exchange of power and aid, which like a sore, a leprosy, became then: your next door neighbor, your neighborhood, your district, your city, your other's asshole in the honeycomb of survival out of a fear - animalistic stupidity.
the world was molested with billions of people who had to do with their time except murder it and murder you.

it's not a free country - everything is bought and sold and owned.

and after we burn the nation, we replace it with what?'
Yes, I hated to get out of bed in the mornings. That meant starting life again and after you've been in bed all night you've built a special kind of privacy that is very difficult to surrender.

I'd be as contended as a snail; it was, after all, the people who had made me unhappy.
there are some people who must always go somewhere.
'hell, I worked HARD all my life!' (they think this is a virtue, but it only proves a man is a damn fool.)
I found some small help in drinking, gambling and sex, and in this way I was much like any man in the community, the city, the nation; the only difference being that I did not care to 'succeed', I did not want a family, a home, a respectable job and so forth. So there I was: neither an intellectual, an artist; nor did I have saving roots of the common man. I hung like something labeled in between, and I guess, yes, that is the beginning of insanity.
God coming down to earth and then being nailed to a cross by that which He created.
from allatson & mccormack 'exile and social transformation'
the rise of 'fortress europe' rhetoric and policies, for example, is in part attributable to a widespread belief that western europe is not the product of immigrant waves over many millennia. the normalization in europe of this NOTION OF BELONGING TO A PLACE, and of a territorial right to be at home, is paralleled by 'fortress america' and 'fortress australia'

Auerbach's attempt to pursue a secular criticism in exile, a space that permitted a resistant reconstitution of home in response to the traumatic experience of loss

terms 'home' and 'homeland' acquire enormous symbolic and emotive significance
Kaminsky 'semantic oddity' - in spanish a language with two words for house 'casa' and 'hogar'

children of immigrants are torn between homeliness in the country where they grew up that does not fully accept them, and an 'homeland' that is alien to them...

memory as a vector for individual, communal and national validation.

Said says:'much of the exile's life is taken up with compensating for disorientating loss by creating a new world to rule.'
MAJA in estonian means 'HOUSE'
the exile crossing of national, legal, linguistic and cultural borders, thus characterizes the imaginative and recuperative work of remembering
...there is also a particular sense of achievement in acting as if one were at home wherever one happens to be.

Uche Nduka's 'The Bremen Peoms' - a textual politics of re/identification

imaginative investment in postmemory

Sue Hajdu

asa member of a diaspora owes itself to a historical event that i am unable to lay claim to.

about problematic serbs: the longer the period of exile the more it may resemble a 'long-distance nationalism'

remain attached to their 'home' country from a base in another state.